Is Tennessee Nurse Tiffany Dover Dead from COVID Vaccine ?
After she fainted on national television, Tennessee nurse “Tiffany Dover” has been reported to have passed away. This particular person has researched things a bit and there appears to be some verifiable points.
In searching death records a “Tiffany Dover” said to be from Alabama (where the nurse Tiffany is reported to be from) that passed away, with matching relative names.UNTIL she speaks publicly, it’s assumed she is dead, based on the information presented. She wanted to be apart of the public “taking” of the vaccine, and now she NEEDS to FULLY participate. Even after she takes the vaccine.
After she fainted on national television, Tennessee nurse “Tiffany Dover” has been reported to have passed away. This particular person has researched things a bit and there appears to be some verifiable points.
In searching death records a “Tiffany Dover” said to be from Alabama (where the nurse Tiffany is reported to be from) that passed away, with matching relative names.
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